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May Newsletter 2023

Dear Friends,

Our great privilege in the Christian life is to reign in life and to be more than a conqueror through him who loved us.

To live in the good of this means His highest priorities became ours.

The FIRST and greatest priority is WORSHIP expressed by the Psalmist in Psalm 27:4 “To dwell in God’s house and gaze upon His beauty every day.”

To live this out means to understand and lay hold of God’s great strategy for victorious living.

When you make this your goal, your days are enriched and every matter find its right proportion and place.

Worship and adoration, singing, praise and thanksgiving, praying in the Spirit (our heavenly language ) keeps us in the love of God.


Terry Virgo writes: “Genuine friendship is such a blessing.

Someone you can share your heart and deepest or even confused thoughts with knowing you won’t be judged or misrepresented, but be heard sympathetically and allowed grace and space.

Aim to cultivate friendships and be so much richer. Be a friend.”

Joining a small group is a great way to start. Contact Patrick 0829310553 or Jaco 0818409895.

The THIRD priority is the GRACE OF GIVING.

The remarkable missionary William Booth was asked how he had achieved so much success.

He answered: “Jesus Christ has all of me.”

This depth of consecration finds its expression in our giving.

Mathew 6:21 “where your treasure is there will your heart be also”

May your giving to the local church continue to be faithful, generous and thankful. May you excel in this matter, and may God show Himself generous to you.

May you experience the full blessing of God, enjoying Him in worship, finding faithful friends and giving to the glory of God.

Yours heartily,


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