Dear Church family,
Peace and joy be with you in Jesus name!
I would like to share with you some lessons learnt from Habakkuk in how to pray.
First: Commit your problem to the Lord, then detach yourself from the problem and fix your gaze upon the Lord. Learn to wait upon the Lord.
Second: Expect an answer from the Lord who speaks to us in several ways:
As we read the Scriptures a strange and wonderful light is cast upon our problems.
Sometimes God answers directly in our spirits.
God speaks to me by speaking in me.
He sometimes answers our prayers providentially by ordering our circumstances, the unfolding of events makes His will known.
He speaks through the gifts of the Spirit especially prophecy.
Sometimes he prompts us to take steps of faith as he gives us a “green light” to move forward.
As we are faithful in our calling to serve in the church, He opens doors for us.
The point is, we must be looking for these answers and ready to recognise them when they come.
Finally we must watch and wait for the answer.
We must watch eagerly and persistently.
Let us take our problems to God and then look for an answer.
May your heart be carefree as you learn to pray in this way and trust the Lord.
Wishing you every blessing in Christ,